Doggy Daycare and your dogs Mental Health

At Rose Cottage a dogs mental and emotional well-being is paramount to us, this is why we have everything in place your dog needs. One aspect we have is the Agility area this is great exercise both physically and mentally.

  • It can be a great activity to channel some instinctive behaviours.
  • It helps with their confidence and focus.
  • It strengthens the bond and communication between your dog and us.
  • Agility is GREAT FUN
  • It allows your dog to enjoy the challenge and achievement no matter how slow or fast their learning capacity is.
  • Many places charge extra or you have to book an agility paddock.  Here at Rose cottage, it is included in our day care and I can tell you, personally, that the dogs love it.  
  • Keeping your dog fit is one of the best things you can do for their health.

All our dogs are kept in small manageable packs of a similar temperament to keep play stress free in all our areas.  Facilities here include a play barn, Puppy area, enclosed fields, paddocks, and Splash zone all provide a social and interactive environment that plays a massive role in promoting the overall health and happiness of your dog.

Here at Rose Cottage, we understand how important it is to utilise your dog’s energy and let them have so much fun at the same time.  If agility is not for them, then we also have our extremely popular Field of Freedom available to hire.

Click this link to hire one of our fields.

Field of Freedom


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