Prevention is better than the cure

At Rose Cottage we are passionate about preventative health and helping your pets to stay happy and healthy. As we head into a new year, we thought we would share a reminder of some of our Vets top tips for keeping on top of your furry friends’ essential healthcare needs in 2023 and beyond. 

Annual health check and vaccinations

During your pets’ vaccination booster appointment is usually when they have a complete heath check. It’s a good opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have with your Vet about ​your pets or any changes you have noticed.

Parasite protection

Parasites are an all-year-around problem for the whole family and are not just fair-weather fiends. Parasites such as fleas can live on ​your pets​ as well as in your home and may also emerge when the heating goes on.

Not only can they cause disease, they can also trigger an allergic reaction which is why prevention is always the best approach.

Worming and Fleeing 

Its always important to get your dog flead and wormed. Fleas are an everyday problem in cats and dogs but can also affect other pets; and if an infestation is left unchecked, it can lead to serious illness. Fleas live on the skin, causing irritation and allergies that will lead to scratching, sometimes to the point of tearing the skin

If you ever have any concerns regarding your pets health always contact your Vet.


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